Integrated Pest Management

Expert Ecological Pest Management

Pest Management Tailored for Your Facility

From large trees to ornamental flowerbeds, expert pest management is crucial for the health of any landscape. When caring for your grounds, PRIDE Industries’ professional technicians provide a targeted, integrated pest management (IPM) approach to pest control. IPM is a holistic, green pest management strategy aimed at reducing the use of chemicals that harm the environment. With this approach, we first look at using mechanical, cultural, or biological means (or a combination of these methods) instead of immediately reaching for pesticides. Key to this method is monitoring, inspection, early intervention, and preventative steps. When monitoring shows action does need to be taken, and if pesticides are necessary, we make sure to target the required area with careful consideration of the surrounding environment.

PRIDE Industries is a Licensed Landscape Contractor with an Agricultural Pest Control Business License and a Qualified Applicator’s License, Category A, B, and K. Our integrated pest management services can be customized to your landscape giving it the healthy, verdant look you and your customers want.

ISSA CIMS Green Building certified logo

CIMS Green Building certification demonstrates an organization’s capability to assist customers in achieving LEED EB points and offers customers assurance that the organization they select is prepared to partner with them in the LEED process.

Integrated Pest Management Case Study

california department of food and agriculture logo
Invasive pests carried by unaware travelers are an expensive problem that costs the state of California $3 billion annually. To overcome this challenge, PRIDE Industries helped the California Department of Food and Agriculture launch an education campaign at major airports that was seen by over 150 million travelers.

Comprehensive Landscaping Services

Ranging from municipalities to multiple building complexes to small office parks, PRIDE Industries’ professional services are designed to provide complete landscape and grounds maintenance for a wide range of facilities. We take a proactive approach to managing customers’ parks, facilities, and streetscapes and work to prevent problems instead of only responding to issues as they occur. We are a company focused on quality and customer service–when customers reach out regarding any aspect of service, they can expect a response within an hour. We believe in quality that will exceed expectations and manage our customers’ landscapes to create a positive and memorable environment for all residents, employees and visitors.

We are certified by the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP), the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), and the Irrigation Association (IA) as well as holding licenses in construction and pesticide application.

Landscape Maintenance Services

Our comprehensive services are customized to your specific needs.

Park and Open Space Management

From municipal community venues to office park landscapes, we do it all.

Sports Field Care and Turf Maintenance

We’re experts at maintaining all kinds of turf, from soccer fields to baseball diamonds.

Eco-friendly and Sustainable Landscape

We offer sustainable landscape maintenance for offices, HOA landscapes, and municipal parks.

Shrub and Tree Maintenance

Our growth control, trimming, and clearance services keep your environment safe and appealing.

Commercial Irrigation and Water Management

We’re experts at reducing water waste, saving you money, and conserving the environment.

Soil Management and Conditioning

We use detailed soil analyses to tailor aeration and fertilization techniques to your landscape.

Landscape Installations and Renovations

Whether you need a new tree or a landscape redesign, we have the expertise to easily update your outdoor environment.

We deliver business excellence with a positive social impact

Lower OSHA Incidence Rate vs. National Industry Standard

Our sterling safety record minimizes work interruptions and lowers related costs for our customers.

Integrated Pest Management Common Questions

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and informed method of pest control that uses non-invasive methods of control in combination with the judicious use of pesticides. IPM methods use knowledge of pest life cycles to formulate damage control practices that result in healthy plants without unintended harm to the environment.

Integrated pest management methods aim to control pests and manage pest damage without hazard to people, property, the environment, or other organisms.

Pests can cause damage and even kill plants and shrubs. Management and control of pests in commercial landscapes, gardens, and parks are important in order to maintain healthy and diverse grounds.

Eradicating all pests is not the answer to pest damage and not even possible to sustain long-term without other unwanted consequences. Attempts to eradicate can often mean the same pests return stronger and more resistant to pesticides. Additionally, many so-called pests are not harmful in a limited number and can be beneficial to the overall ecosystem. Management of pests requires monitoring and intervening when the pest becomes harmful and removing the threat by non-invasive means when possible.

Examples of insects that can be beneficial in commercial landscapes or any grounds are those that feed on potential plant-harming insects. For example, insects such as Lady Beetles and Lacewings feed on aphids. Introducing these natural enemies to aphids is a means of controlling the damage done to plants.

Any approach to controlling nature can have limits, however, IPM methods are large in scope since they are working with nature and not against it. Often several solutions can be tried when approaching a problem and judicious use of pesticides may be necessary at times.

Methods used in integrated pest management are: biological (introducing “natural enemies” of a pest to reduce harm; cultural (adjusting watering to avoid weed growth and pest from water-logged areas); mechanical (includes creating barriers, and screens to keep insects and creatures out); chemical (applied in conjunction with other methods and avoiding harm to other organisms, waterways, and the environment).

Get started with our high-quality, cost-effective integrated pest management (IPM) services.