Awards and Recognition

Employer, social impact, and business excellence awards

At PRIDE Industries, we believe in making a positive impact in every way we can. That’s why, as we work to fulfill our mission every day, we also strive to be a responsible employer, business partner, and community member. We are delighted and proud that our efforts in these areas have been singled out for recognition by several respected organizations.

Featured Award

Human Rights Award Diversity Winner

PRIDE Industries receives national recognition as a 2024 Human Rights Award winner from HP, Inc. for pioneering inclusivity in employment and empowering diverse communities to achieve independence and equality.

Featured Award

Customer Excellence Award in Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing

Infor recognizes the social enterprise for exceptional use of cloud technology in the Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing category.

New and Noteworthy

Awards and Recognitions


Outstanding Women Leaders Award - Leah (Burdick) Corrigan

National Association of Women Business Owners


Real Leaders®

2024 VETS Indexes Employer Awards

DIVERSEability Magazine

Greater Sacramento Economic Council

Careers and the Disabled Magazine

U.S. Veterans Magazine

Military Friendly®

San Diego Business Journal

The National Organization on Disability (NOD)

Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

Disabled American Veterans

HP, Inc.

American Business Awards®

Sacramento Business Journal

Sacramento Business Journal

Sacramento Business Journal

Military Friendly®

Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce

American Business Awards®


Real Leaders®

Sacramento Business Journal

The National Organization on Disability (NOD)

National Coalition of 100 Black Women

2023 VETS Indexes Employer Awards

U.S. Veterans Magazine (USVM)

HRO Today


2022 VETS Indexes Employer Awards

Daniel and Barbara Chapman Trust

2022 Women Who Mean Business - CGO Leah Burdick

Sacramento Business Journal

CIO of the Year - CIO Alan McMillan

Sacramento Business Journal

AAPI Changemaker - CWIO Dr. Jennifer Luebke

Sacramento Bee


Global SMT & Packaging Magazine

San Diego Business Journal

The National Organization on Disability (NOD)

VETS Indexes

CFO of the Year - Everett Crane

Sacramento Business Journal


Largest Technology Companies

Sacramento Business Journal

Supply & Demand Chain Executive Magazine


Lex Frieden Employment Award, Non-Profit Category

Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities

DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability

Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC

Veterans Employer of the Year

California Employer Advisory Council


Best Nonprofits to Work

Safer Choice Partner of the Year

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability

Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC


Hewlett-Packard, Global Parts Supply Chain (GPSC) Division


Excellence in Customer Service and Outstanding Performance

Hewlett-Packard, Global Support Logistics (GSL) Division


Largest Technology Companies

Sacramento Business Journal

DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability

Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC


Veterans Employment and Education Commission Employment Service Award

Awarded by The American Legion, Department of Texas


DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability

Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC 


Recognition for Veteran Employment

Recognized by the Texas Workforce Commission and Texas Veterans Commission


CFO of the Year

Awarded to PRIDE CFO, Jeff Dern by the Sacramento Business Journal in the Nonprofit category


Employer of the Year

California Employer Advisory Council and the Employment Development Department


Patriotic Employer

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve


Service Supplier of the Year

Recognized by SynapSense Corporation 


Excellence in Customer Service and Outstanding Performance

Hewlett-Packard’s Global Support Logistics (GSL) Division 

New California 100 Company

Recognized for entrepreneurial innovation and business success in the Great Central Valley

Women in Supply Chain Award

Awarded to VP of Procurement, Paula Peterson by Supply & Demand Chain Executive Magazine

Largest Technology Companies List

Awarded by the Sacramento Business Journal


Lex Frieden Employment Award, Non-Profit Category

Awarded by Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities


Veterans Employer of the Year

California Employer Advisory Council 


Best Nonprofits to Work For 2018

Recognized by


Best Nonprofits to Work For 2017

Recognized by and Time Magazine


Safer Choice Partner of the Year

Recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Safer Choice Partner of the Year

Recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


ML100 Manufacturing Leadership Award for Game-Changing Technologies


Service Supplier of the Year

Recognized by Hewlett Packard


California Governor's Veterans Award

Waste Reduction Awards Program (WRAP) Recipient

NISH (SourceAmerica) National Award for Professional Excellence