Manufacturing in Space: What to Expect

In the News

PRIDE Industries Exec Shares Tips for Effective Mentoring with SBJ
PRIDE Industries EMS Team Improves Quoting with CalcuQuote
Tribal Casinos Staff for Good with Employees with Disabilities

Our Stories

What will the PCB Act Mean to Electronics Manufacturers? And What Can They Do in the Meantime?

Case Studies

PAEP Parent Alliance Employment Project logo

Parent Alliance Employment Project

When Casey Nunes, Employment Success Manager at PRIDE Industries, approached PAEP about matching the organization's candidates with job opportunities through our Inclusive Talent Solutions partners, they knew they had found an invaluable partner.
SeaWorld logo for employee turnover case study


For more than 35 years SeaWorld has relied on people with disabilities to solve employee turnover and offer a reliable, high-quality workforce.
Neck Nosh logo

Neck Nosh

PRIDE Industries met Neck Nosh’s need for a flexible, consistent workforce while also helping this small business meet its inclusivity goals.

Awards and Recognition

Of all our accomplishments, we are honored to be recognized as an employer, a provider of business excellence, and for the impact we make to our communities. We are delighted and proud to be acknowledged by respected organizations for our success.

2021 Global Technology Awards Winner with image of award

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