3rd Annual
I AM ABLE Disability Job Fair

1000 job seekers, 40 employers, and 20 partner agencies. What an amazing day!

October 14, 2025, at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento, California. This job fair is designed to create a welcoming space for people with disabilities to explore job opportunities and interview with inclusive employers.

Details coming soon for next year’s job fair!

Having a hard time finding qualified job candidates?

The award-winning I AM ABLE Job Fair is a one-day event designed to introduce employers to qualified job seekers with disabilities. We’ve partnered with local colleges, community organizations, and vocational agencies to create an event that’s unique to Sacramento and Placer counties. Here’s your chance to build a more inclusive workforce.

2024 Silver Stevie® Winner

PRIDE Industries Honored as Silver Stevie® Award Winner in 2024 — Recognized for the I AM ABLE Disability Job Fair.

Having a hard time finding qualified job candidates?

As the only in-person job fair for people with disabilities in our region, this unique hiring event is designed to give you access to qualified job seekers. We’ve partnered with local colleges, community organizations, and vocational agencies to help you reach an untapped talent pool. Here’s your chance to build a more inclusive workforce.

I AM ABLE Disability Job Fair Draws 1,000 Job Seekers​

Thank you to everyone who participated in our second annual I AM ABLE Disability Job Fair! Nearly 1,000 people with disabilities met with 40 different employers, as well as agencies that provide employment services. The four-hour event was the first step on a new career path for many individuals, and we’re grateful to our partners for helping to make this possible.

Thanks to our generous donors for making the 2023 I AM ABLE Disability Job Fair event possible:

Event Details

Tuesday, October 14, 2025

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center
Hall A
1400 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento California

Champion our mission to create employment for people with disabilities. Become a sponsor!

Participating employers also have the opportunity to become a recognized sponsor for this important event. In addition to the Employer Registration benefits listed above, sponsors also receive the following consideration…

Inclusion Sponsor

COST: $25,000 (one available)

In recognition of your support, we’re pleased to offer:

  • Premium table placement

  • Video-recorded message shared in event-related communication

  • Marketing material included in Job Seeker Welcome Packet

  • Recognition in event media coverage

  • Name and logo recognition during pre-event training videos for Job Seekers

  • Name and logo recognition on event webpage

  • Name and logo recognition on volunteer T-shirts

  • Name and logo recognition in all event-related email campaigns (pre- and post-event)

  • Name and logo recognition in all event-related social media posts

  • Name and logo recognition on all event-related swag (printed by PRIDE Industries)

Pathways Sponsor

COST: $15,000 (two available)

In recognition of your support, we’re pleased to offer:

  • Premium table placement

  • Marketing material included in Job Seeker Welcome Packet

  • Name and logo recognition during pre-event training videos for Job Seekers

  • Name and logo recognition on event webpage

  • Name and logo recognition on volunteer T-shirts

  • Name and logo recognition in all event-related email campaigns (pre- and post-event)

  • Name and logo recognition in all event-related social media posts

Accessibility Sponsor

COST: $10,000 (three available)

In recognition of your support, we’re pleased to offer:

  • Premium table placement

  • Marketing material included in Job Seeker Welcome Packet

  • Name and logo recognition on event directory and map: full-color handout printed in English, Spanish, and braille

  • Name and logo recognition on event webpage

  • Name and logo recognition on volunteer T-shirts

  • Name and logo recognition in all event-related email campaigns (pre- and post-event)

Impact Sponsor

COST: $5,000 

In recognition of your support, we’re pleased to offer:

  • Name and Logo recognition on event webpage

  • Name recognition on volunteer T-shirts

  • Name recognition in all event-related email campaigns (pre- and post-event)

Opportunity Sponsor

COST: $2,500 

In recognition of your support, we’re pleased to offer:

  • Name recognition on event webpage

  • Name recognition on volunteer T-shirts

Employer Registration Information

Registration deadline Aug 29, 2025

COST: $600 

Registration Includes:

  • Table (with 2 chairs and a tablecloth)

  • Two attendee registrations and lunch tickets

  • Company name on tabletop sign

  • Company name and description listed in event directory and map

  • Pre-event, live training on inclusive hiring: “Interviewing Candidates with Disabilities” 
    Topics include how to:

    • Conduct a disability-inclusive interview

    • Recognize and differentiate between interview skills and the skills needed to do the job

    • Identify questions you can and cannot ask during an interview

    • Discuss workplace accommodations

  • Local media coverage—press will be on hand for this important event

For more information about this event, please contact Kat Maudru at (916) 753-4339 or kat.maudru@prideindustries.com.

Serving our Sacramento Region Since 1966

Since 1966, PRIDE Industries has offered a range of training, coaching, and job placement programs to help people with disabilities realize their true potential and contribute to their communities. Your generous donations support these vital programs, and help build a world of inclusive employment.

woman with down syndrome in red shirt packing boxes
People with

For people with disabilities in select California counties. Learn employment and independent living skills.

young african american woman in black shirt smiling

For former foster and at-risk youth in select California counties. Create a successful and independent adult life.

african american woman in yellow shirt smiling

For trafficking survivors living in Sacramento County. Find your career and build your future.

young hispanic man in camouflage uniform smiling

For veterans of all military branches, check out our job listings here.